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What Are Your Short And Long Term Objectives With Door Drop Marketing?

Friday 4th March 2022

When it comes to marketing, you want results, but some involve playing the long game. Knowing what you want to achieve both in the long term and short term is essential when it comes to marketing. But what should you be thinking and looking to achieve from door drop marketing? Why goal setting is vital Setting short and long term goals with a door drop marketing campaign is essential to ensure that you not only convert the leaflet into a customer but once you have them, you keep them. You can't do it all with one leaflet. Best results happen when you run multiple campaigns over some time. Success can happen with a hit and run campaign, but you certainly stand a…

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Consider How Door Drops Will Work Alongside Other Channels

Monday 31st January 2022

It's never good to have all your eggs in one basket, which applies equally to marketing. There are many ways in which to market and a combined approach is often an approach that has the greatest chance of success. Here, we highlight how door drops work effectively alongside other channels. Here at Swindon Leaflet Delivery, we certainly see the effectiveness of marketing efforts combining direct mail, social media and online advertising, but we know only too well how people can struggle to come up with combined marketing techniques to really boost their chance of success. Why use door drop marketing alongside other channels Businesses benefit from the interest the leaflet itself generates as it lands on the doormat, but equally, it drives…

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How Effective Is Your Marketing Budget?

Tuesday 4th January 2022

Here at Swindon Leaflet Delivery, we know that getting the best value for money is essential when you decide on your marketing budget. Yet it's a bit of a chicken and egg situation. After all, you can set a budget, but your ideas may be way off fitting within it. Alternatively, you budget to meet the intent and quickly find that the funding required spirals. The solution is to plan and prepare appropriately to make the most of money and ideas. With that in mind, we look at how effective your marketing budget should be. Why plan? Making an annual plan and budget allocation will give you peace of mind throughout the year; it's safer than short term solutions. A yearly program…

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Why On-Going Campaigns Produce Better Results

Wednesday 1st December 2021

Have you ever wondered why ongoing marketing campaigns produce better results than a one-time deal? Let's look back to our childhood. At school, we were taught many new things by repetition. The more you hear or see something, the more you will remember and recall. It's the same with adverts for products or services. If you only see it once, you might struggle to retain enough information when you need it. A multi-pronged approach In modern times there is no escaping the importance of the internet in company publicity. Still, it can be virtually impossible for smaller and more locally based businesses to be noticed amidst the sea of more prominent names and compete against those with a hefty marketing budget. This is…

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Planning Your Christmas Marketing Message

Tuesday 9th November 2021

It's the festive time of year and you should now start planning to ensure your Christmas marketing message hits the right spot. Christmas may be a time when families have lots of other things on their minds, or funds may be tight (especially this year), so planning a Christmas marketing timetable is essential if you want the right message delivered at the right time. Even those who believe Christmas should be kept in December will appreciate a helpful marketing campaign leaflet or brochure in the run-up to the big day. Here, we take a look at the planning required and consider whether you need to do anything different with your market simply because it's the most wonderful time of year! Things…

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Combining Leaflet Distribution and Digital Marketing for Market Success

Tuesday 5th October 2021

We are now seeing a return to pre-pandemic marketing levels, and this has seen an increase in the number of leaflet campaigns that we are handling. New and existing clients are turning to us to increase their business awareness locally for both leaflet drops and nationwide direct mail campaigns. But often, the best approach is two-pronged, and employing both digital and print marketing efforts could help make sure your business reaps rewards. Old school meets new There is a growing understanding of the effectiveness of paper marketing to support digital marketing campaigns. In fact, paper marketing is the perfect way to introduce and support digital marketing. There are many ways it can be done, so we thought we would tell you how…

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4 Important Steps To Determine Before Starting Any Campaign

Thursday 9th September 2021

What's the point of a campaign if it doesn't seek to achieve something? No matter how big or small, whether a few nicely worded emails or leaflets or a full-on marketing assault, it takes planning to get results. After all, if you're spending a little or a lot on a campaign, you want to get a good return on your investment. Therefore, every campaign strategy should follow a broadly similar planning path, which includes identifying the below. Your Aim To start at the beginning, we have to jump to the end. Determining your desired outcome can actually be more challenging than you think. You should be more specific than simply stating moving business forward or increasing profit if you want to create…

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Reasons Your Leaflet Campaign Failed And How To Fix It For Next Time

Monday 30th August 2021

There is nothing more frustrating than finding what you thought was a well-planned leaflet didn't yield the results you hoped. But we could help you understand what you may have gone wrong. As experts in leaflet door drop, direct mail campaigns, design and printing we know what works and what doesn't when it comes to leaflet campaigns, so read on as we highlight the main reasons your leaflet drop may not have brought you the ROI you'd hoped for. Design Appeal It might surprise you to learn that many purchasing decisions are made by what we see, not what we read. Is your design letting you down? Lacking appeal or the right images to make potential customers stop and look means you could…

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What Do Trees Do For Our Planet?

Tuesday 17th August 2021

We have taken the presence of trees for granted for many years, but have you ever thought what would happen if they all disappeared? In 2019, the UK Government launched a scheme to boost tree-planting in a bid to fight climate change, a scheme worth £50 million. They support farmers and landowners to create new woodland with funding as the trees grow as part of their 25-year Environment Plan. In 2020, The National Trust also declared its ambition to plant 20 million trees by 2030. If it wasn't so crucial to our environment, we are sure neither would invest so heavily. Why Are Trees So Important To Our Planet? Trees do so much more than just make the place looks green and…

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Using Leaflets For Recruitment

Friday 16th July 2021

You have probably heard on the news that many businesses are struggling to attract candidates for the vacancies that they have to offer. For many reasons, as the world opens up and the risks from Covid-19 ease, there are many unfilled job vacancies. Companies are struggling to attract the attention for vacancies they would have quickly filled in the past. They urgently need additional team members, yet their previously successful recruitment processes may be failing them. However, we believe we have a great solution. Our door drop marketing teams have been extremely busy over the last couple of months delivering leaflets aimed at recruitment, to much benefit from those employers choosing to use them. Harnessing the power of door drop Here at…

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Reward And Inform With Your Door Drop Marketing Campaigns

Thursday 24th June 2021

Do you worry that you aren't connecting with your target audience for your door drop marketing campaigns? There are certain things you may not be including in your campaigns that could significantly affect your ROI. Here, we explain two of the most important strategies when it comes to gaining traction with your target audience - rewarding and informing. Statistical Proof We already know that customers respond positively to information that is relevant and useful to them, so let's look at the research that tells us more. Royal Mail carried out an extensive survey back in 2015 to identify what type of mail customers found valuable and why. It may surprise you to learn that building a relationship with a current customer through…

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Why It’s Important To Continue Marketing During Economic Turbulent Times

Thursday 3rd June 2021

Let's face it, the last year or so has been a rather unsettling and worrying time for businesses in many different industries. COVID-19 has shown us the vulnerabilities within our businesses and while some have managed to diversify their product/service offerings to adapt, others have not been able to. For many companies, a period of economic turbulence and uncertainty have them battening down the hatches, cutting back what they consider to be non-essential spending and sitting back to ride out the storm. Some may act by immediately cutting or doing away with marketing budgets completely, in the belief that holding onto cash is the only way to survive. But this could be harming their business more than they realise.…

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