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The Lifetime Value Of A Customer

Thursday 29th October 2020

You know how many customers you have; but do you know how many of them are repeat customers - customers that return to your products or services repeatedly? A major expense faced by any business is gaining customers, so it certainly makes sense to retain them and keep your company as their go-to choice. But how do you know who your most loyal customers are, and how do you keep them engaged? How can I measure my return rate? There are many ways to do this and to some extent it will depend on the systems you have available and your actual business model. For example, a subscription-based business can simply measure all of the customers purchasing a repeat subscription. However, it…

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Why Door Drops Will Get Your Message Across Better Than Other Forms Of Media

Tuesday 29th September 2020

At the early stage of the Covid-19 lockdown, the UK Government were regularly on the television, radio, and in both online and physical news articles. However, they still felt the need to get the message across in a closer more personal way, a way they knew we could not avoid - so they did a door drop, advising households of the new rules and regulations and guidelines of staying safe throughout the pandemic. We know you may consider door drop marketing to be a little 'old school' but in many cases, the old ways can bring a great response, as proven above, and as one of the most effective means of targeted mailings, it could be highly beneficial to your business. Here…

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The importance of including Door Drop Marketing in your marketing budget

Monday 21st September 2020

The popularity of online marketing means that offline marketing tools are seen as old-fashioned and ineffective. But this simply isn't the case. In fact, including door drop marketing in your budget could see your business edge ahead. Since March, the UK, like many other countries, has been plunged into a public health crisis. The subsequent lockdown brought the economy to a grinding halt. As we emerge from this enforced hiatus, the scars on the economy are already visible. UK GDP fell by 2.2% and with this happening over two quarters in a row, the UK confirmed it was in recession. For most businesses, this is not good news. Difficult trading conditions are compounded even further by people's uncertainty and anxiety. Marketing budgets are…

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Recent Successes - Wide ranging companies gaining new business from door drops

Tuesday 23rd June 2020

What do the following business types have in common? CBD Oil seller Car Repair Garage Window Company Florist Fruit and Veg Box Delivery Service Electrician Estate Agent Fundraising Not much is the answer! However, these are a selection of the businesses that we have carried out Door Drop campaigns for in the month that upon discussing their campaigns afterward, the business owners have all reported to us that new business was gained directly from the campaign we carried out for them. Some reported that profit was reached very quickly indeed, for others this will be measured by customer value over the year, it does depend somewhat on the sale value of the items being marketed. For example, an Electrician could gain an order for £1000 plus from a job booked in…

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Business continues at Swindon Leaflet Delivery

Thursday 19th March 2020

Considering the COVID-19 outbreak, we wanted to inform our customers that we will be adhering strictly to all advice provided by the World Health Organisation. We are also closely observing protocol as advised by local authorities. Given the recent news and on-going issues surrounding COVID-19, we thought it was important that our customers are aware of the facts regarding the post and mail delivery, any risk to people's health. Please find below two statements, one from Royal Mail. We hope you find the below information useful and informative. Royal Mail has issued the following statement Public Health England (PHE) has advised that people receiving parcels are not at risk of contracting the coronavirus. From experience with other coronaviruses, we know that these types…

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Why your great partnerships work for your customers?

Thursday 19th March 2020

When planning marketing campaigns for your customers it pays to have strategic partnerships in place to deliver the services that may not fall within your specialty. Finding those reliable partners who you trust to provide the service that you expect your clients to receive is a matter of the basic business requirements of getting to know them, of them getting to understand your business and then delivering that service. In an internet marketing forum recently, a member was asking for recommendations for print services. The responses were almost unanimous in saying that the remote online services produced an acceptable level of print quality, what was lacking was interaction. We have talked before in our blogs about the impact your leaflets can…

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What you should get from a print partner - 5 Key points to think about!

Thursday 20th February 2020

Where printing was seen as a poor relation a few years ago, recently it has become reenergized as a primary means for communicating with customers. With that in mind here are the five key points you should consider when looking for a prospective partner. 1. Understanding: If you are trusting vital parts of your marketing strategy to an external partner then you need to have confidence in their ability to deliver. Understanding your expectations and objectives is essential. The need for understanding works both ways however and you need to be clear about what is achievable within your budget and timeframe. This is the first step to building a relationship based on mutual trust. 2. Problem Solving: Simply put you need a…

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Leaflets – How they get your message across

Thursday 23rd January 2020

With so many companies successfully using leaflet distribution it can certainly be highly effective. Promoting an event or special offer or launching a new business, whatever your message, leaflet distribution is a genuine option to spread the word. So how does a successful leaflet get its message across? Size counts, quality matters - You could opt for A5, A6, bifold, trifold or postcard. It is certainly about personal preference, but you will also need to consider what space is needed to get your message across. Think about an unusual size that will stand out amongst the crowd of other leaflets dropping onto the mat. Using good quality paper makes a lot of difference. A leaflet that feels substantial will give the…

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What good print design says about your brand?

Thursday 19th December 2019

In our first blog this month we examined how leaflet distribution can work for your business. However, the best-prepared campaign will be worthless if it is carried through with a poor-quality flyer or leaflet. In 2005, a group The Design Council studied the portfolios of FTSE listed companies over the course of the previous decade. They found that the companies that put an emphasis on design did way better than the ones that didn't. In terms of a business advertising through leaflet distribution, the way to stand out from the crowd is through good print design. Images Any photos being used need to be of high quality and ready for a printed leaflet. Expecting the images used on your website which can…

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Overcoming Resistance - Why a printed product works better than the web

Thursday 21st November 2019

In the last decade, many marketers have been engaged in some kind of "print to digital" transformation. Glossy brochures, direct mail pieces, bulky manuals, and many other printed items have been replaced by a combination of web content, email, and on-demand electronic files. This transformation is driven by how we consume media. We increasingly get our news, entertainment, and information via computers, tablets, and phones. Print-based media outlets have seen a decline in use that leads some to predict the complete demise of print as a marketing medium. The big difference between online and print materials is the scope of advertisements. A single website or Web ad can potentially reach customers anywhere in the world meaning online advertising can potentially reach…

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Find your audience - GPS Tracking & Geodemographics profiling of distribution

Tuesday 24th September 2019

Our knowledge of consumers habits and behavior has become increasingly sophisticated in recent years. The benefits to media channels such as Leaflet Distribution have led to an ability to cut to the target market pretty accurately, where it would previously have been a fairly blunt tool. Geodemographic classification studies locations (geo) and people (demographic). It attempts to provide accurate and detailed descriptions of UK consumers and the areas where they live. Geodemographic classifications work from some basic assumptions; People who live in the same area are much more likely to have similarities than two people picked at random from different areas. Similar locations will have people who fit a certain demographic. Locations are classified according to the characteristics of the people…

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How design sells your business

Monday 23rd September 2019

When a consumer is presented with numerous options about a particular product or service, you want to be the one that they choose. But if you're offering the same product as 10 other companies, what's going to make you stand out? Consumers make decisions based on reliability and trust, and this is where the design of the leaflet making your offer comes into its own. Having a clear idea of the message you want to convey and who you want to respond to that message will help steer the design of your leaflet. AIDA is an acronym for; Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. AIDA is an important part of leaflet design and is a proven framework for converting casual interest into…

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